Tips for Traveling With Your Pet

Having pets has become very popular in recent times. Many who keep pets will tell you about making proper travel plans either for business or pleasure involves making decisions on whether to take the pet with you or keep the pets under the care of an animal boarding facility.

Many owners of pets; however, become so fond of their pets that they would prefer traveling with wherever they go than leaving them behind. This involves preparing for a pet-friendly trip. Provided below in this article are a few tips checklist for traveling with your pet.

1. Identity
Pets will not be able to identify themselves. Whatever mode of travel you chose, it is important and necessary to tag your pet with proper identification before traveling. This is to make sure that your pet finds its way back to you just in case you are separated. It is also necessary to prevent confusion among owners in instances where two or more pets could resemble each other

2. Permanent Identification for the Pet
They say that you can never be too careful. Apart from tagging your pet with the necessary identification, it is also recommended to equip the pets with a much more permanent method of identification, like a microchip. This also helps in tracking your pet in the event that they wander away and you become separated.

3. Train Them While They are Young
It is good to train the pet when they are still young because pets take time to completely understand their master's commands and expected behavior. Pets should be trained to remain calm during travel and respond to any command. A system of rewarding is highly recommended because it aids in learning the commands. It is advisable to train them separately if you have more than one pet.

4. Secure Your Pet for Safety
Once you have trained the pet, don't assume that it is safe to let your pet wander around the car/plane while traveling. This is not right. Like humans, pets can get injured if the car/plane a sudden movement or an accident. Therefore, it is recommended that you crate the pet to keep it safe.

5. Suitable Travel Crate
Pet carriers that are made from fabric are a good choice to transport your pet. Plastic pet carriers are preferred because of their versatility and they offer safety for different modes of travel.

6. Pets in Cars
Pets like dogs and cats are quick and flexible and will make os of these abilities naturally when their safety is threatened. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the pet is comfortable throughout the travel.

7. Keeping the pet sedated
Like humans, pets tend to become anxious when they are exposed to an unfamiliar setting. Sedating pets will help your pets relax and ease anxiety and save them from trauma and accidents that might result from fear.

8. First Aid Pet Kit
One can never tell when accidents may happen. The best way to be prepared for this is by being ready for it. Owners of pets are advised to keep a pet first-aid kit handy, that should include bandages, gauze, and hydrogen peroxide just in case inducing vomit is necessary. Always follow instructions of an animal health care specialist before treating your pet for exposure to toxins.

9. Pet Food and Water
Events such as delays are inevitable and it is important that pet owners consider extra food and water for the pets in case delays happen.

10. Extra Cautious
No matter how well you know your pet, it is impossible to tell how they are going to react to new situations. For example, your cat may decide hide between your legs while you are driving if it hears a loud noise of a truck honking and this could lead to a fatal accident, so it is strongly advised to keep your pet safe at all times while you are traveling.

11. Dog During Air Travel
Many airlines allow pets in the cabin of the plane only if the pet fits in the pet carrier under the seat. It is required that the size of the pet should allow it to stand and move in the carrier. You may also be required to carry some essentials for the dog, such as a poop bag, a water bottle, a collapsible bowl, a recent picture of the dog, and a leash.

The above tips focus mainly on the safety and wellbeing of your pet during travel. Therefore it is important that safety precautions like making sure your pet is in a good physical state to travel, are taken care of. It is also necessary to be sure that the destination of travel is free from animal diseases such as rabies. By following the above tips, traveling with pets becomes less of a hassle and a comfortable experience.
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