Make it Interactive
Anytime that you can build activity into a party your guests become involved and keep themselves entertained. Play a game, have some craft supplies, or get them cooking. Interactivity gets people talking and allows them to loosen up. Make sure you hold their dinner or drinks captive until they participate.
Introduce people
You can never introduce people too much. It helps people to remember names and can create kind of a joke about your over-enthusiastic introduction activities. When you introduce somebody attempt to throw a conversation bone in along with your verbal launch.
This is Bill, he just had a baby, or changed jobs, or went on a vacation. When you introduce the other person back throw in another conversation bone, like how you met them or their favorite hobby.|
Nametags help a lot but people don't always want to wear one.
You can sometimes encourage folks to place their name and their fantasy nickname.
This is a great conversation starter and inspires people to keep their name tag on.
Add a Theme

Invite Interesting People
Try to invite interesting people. Even if there are some boring ones kicking around the interesting ones will certainly liven it up.
Good parties have good food. There is some quite Universal Law that claims, "Those who provide quality snacks will be provided excellent party ambiance". If you can't afford to pay for all the food have a potluck. How many times have you gone to a celebration that incorporates a bag of ripple chips? Ripple chips simply do not cut it at a "good" party.
When clean up comes around to get everybody involved. Instead of waking up to a stack of dishes that can block the sun; I ask as many people as possible to help clean up. It takes 2 minutes as a team or two hours by yourself. Crank some cleansing music and everyone are going to be happy to possess it out of the approach.
If nobody wants to help just hold their dessert hostage.
Make sure you have got everything for your par' tay. Music, paper plates, ice, name tags, a food preparation plan or whatever it is that you need. So many parties are ruined by forgetting to defrost something, no party music or some other detail. It may not ruin the evening however it will build your get along medium on the amusement scale. Make sure you have everything you need.
Don't throw up on your guests
This is a clear tip however typically we tend to forget.
Follow these tips to guarantee improved party performance. If you have any more ideas on spicing up a party we would love to hear about it. Until then Party on Garth!